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3 Ways To End Your Money Troubles

Lisa L'Heureux

1. Stop Spending

If applicable:

Do not carry around a credit card. Buy the minimum of what you need. Do not go places where it cost money to do any or everything. Buy less. Reduce expenses. Pack a lunch. Do not buy take-out. Do not buy a coffee-a-day. Do not spend money on others except what you are committed to donate or give less fortunate.

2. Get an Income

If applicable:

Go to work. Get a second job. Get a third job. Go on Social Assistance. Create a Go Fund Me. Get provincial support for disability. Receive G.S.T. Get someone to help pay the bills. Write a book and sell it. Make music and sell downloads. Teach. Make a podcast. Monetize Social Media. Sell services based on what you can legally do. Collect and return scrap metal. Sell your old gold when the market is right. Sell items on eBay, Amazon, and Facebook. Ask your family or friends to give you an allowance. Make a website, draw traffic, sell something. Make a blog. Create a mailing list. Go back to school and get a government grant. Research and apply for grants. Panhandle if it is legal. Have a garage sale, yard sale, online sale, bake sale. Create events and sell tickets. Live-in and work for an organization that offers support, shelter and life skills for people. Live-in nanny, cook, mother's helper, or what you can legally be or do for a wage. Research class actions to see if you can get money from a legal payout.

3. Downsize

If Applicable:

Sell your belongings. Give away things you do not need or use anymore. Move into a smaller place. Become a minimalist. Drive a vehicle that does not use much fuel. Carpool. Use public transit. Consolidate. Acquire less expensive accommodations. Move in with friends or family.


If you are having money troubles, know that you are not the only one. In May of 2015 it was estimated by Stats Canada that 71% of Canadians were carrying around debt. Debt Canada quotes 67% of arguments between spouses concern money issues.

Depression and anxiety are now considered mental illnesses and recognised in many provinces as disabilities. Being sick makes it hard to look for work or keep a job. In the writer's personal experience, it can take a long time to become well enough to work after either of these.

In the event of serious money issues and debt, please research financial planners and get the professional services you deserve.

These are merely suggestions.

Canadian article.

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Lisa L'Heureux is the author of 7 books. Her work includes the Lisa's Sober Blog Series, This and the Man in the Moon and This One is About Domestic Violence. She lives in Alberta with her family. 4+ years ago, Lisa made a life-altering "career change". Then, she started out flat broke, without two dimes to rub together. She now owns Lisa's e-Store and More, which includes branches of The New Lisa L'Heureux and Lisa's Sober Blog. She runs the business with one employee.

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